Research ArticleArticles
A Methodology for a Scholarship of Transdisciplinary Action Research in the Design Professions
Lessons from an Indian Country Initiative
Susan Thering
Landscape Journal, March 2011, 30 (1) 133-147; DOI:
- Albaek Erik
- Altman David
- Best Allan,
- Stokols Daniel,
- Green Lawrence,
- Leischow Scott,
- Holmes Bev,
- Buchholz Kay
- Brave Heart Maria
- Brave Heart Maria
- Brown Valerie
- Carlson Steven
- Comp T. Allan
- Comp T. Allan
- Conner Ross,
- Tanjasiri Sora
- Cranton Patricia
- Davidson Heather,
- Evan Scott,
- Ganote Cynthia,
- Henrickson Jorie,
- Jacobs-Priebe Lynette,
- Jones Diana,
- Prilleltensky Isaac,
- Riemer Manuel
- Durkheim Emile
- Evans-Campbell Teresa
- Freire Paulo
- Goodman Robert,
- Speers Marjorie,
- McLeroy Kenneth,
- Fawcett Stephen,
- Kegler Michelle,
- Parker Edith,
- Smith Steven,
- Sterling Terrie,
- Wallerstein Nina
- Habermas Jurgen
- Kellogg Foundation
- Kemmis Stephen,
- McTaggart Robin
- Konechne Teresa
- Lewin Kurt
- Lemert Charles
- Merryfield Merry
- Merryfied Merry
- Peters Michael,
- Lankshear Colin,
- Olssen Mark
- Reece Erik
- Robson Colin
- Stokols Daniel
- Strand Kerry,
- Marullo Sam,
- Cutforth Nick,
- Stoeker Randy,
- Donohue Patrick
- Strauss Anselm,
- Corben Juliet
- Stringer Ernest
- Subedi Binaya
- Thering Susan
- Thering Susan
- Thering Susan,
- Chanse Victoria
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- University of Wisconsin Extension (UW-Extension)
- University of Wisconsin Extension (UW-Extension)
- Walsh Denis,
- Downe Soo
- Weiss Carol
In this issue
Landscape Journal
Vol. 30, Issue 1
20 Mar 2011
A Methodology for a Scholarship of Transdisciplinary Action Research in the Design Professions
Susan Thering
Landscape Journal Mar 2011, 30 (1) 133-147; DOI: 10.3368/lj.30.1.133
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