Research ArticleArticles
A Landscape Neo-Baroque: Design as a Cultural Strategy for the Restoration of Urban Ecosystems
Catharina Sack
Landscape Journal, August 2015, 34 (1) 57-78; DOI:

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- Smithyman C.
- Hill Kristina
- Hobbs R.J.,
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- Salgado C.A.
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- Seto Karen C.,
- Güneralp Burak,
- Hutyra Lucy R.
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- Hobbs Richard J.,
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- Zamora Lois Parkinson,
- Kaup Monika
In this issue
Landscape Journal
Vol. 34, Issue 1
3 Aug 2015
A Landscape Neo-Baroque: Design as a Cultural Strategy for the Restoration of Urban Ecosystems
Catharina Sack
Landscape Journal Aug 2015, 34 (1) 57-78; DOI: 10.3368/lj.34.1.57
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