Table of Contents
November 01, 2023; Volume 42,Issue 2
Centis, Ludovico
- You have accessRestricted accessTropical Typhoons and Humble MarkersNotes on the Past and Future of the Venice LagoonLudovico CentisLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 25-40; DOI: CentisLudovico Centis is an architect, founder of the architecture and planning office The Empire, and co‐founder and editor of the architecture magazine San Rocco. Centis holds a PhD in Urbanism from Università Iuav di Venezia. He has been the 2013–2014 Peter Reyner Banham Fellow at the University at Buffalo–SUNY and was awarded a 2018 Getty Library Research Grant at the Getty Center and a 2020 Paul Mellon Centre Research Support Grant. Most recently, Centis was a post‐doctoral research fellow at Università Iuav di Venezia and a visiting school head at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. He is currently assistant professor in Urbanism at the University of Trieste.
Cipriani, Laura
- Open AccessStatements on Landscape Architecture Programs WorldwideCase Studies across the GlobeLaura Cipriani and Maria VillalobosLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 81-128; DOI: CiprianiLaura Cipriani is an assistant professor in landscape architecture at TU Delft. She has taught for a decade at IUAV, Politecnico di Milano, National University Singapore, Venice International University, and the University of Padua. She holds a Master in Design Studies (Hons) from Harvard Design School (2004), a PhD in Urbanism from IUAV (2008), and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture (Hons) from IUAV (2001). The winner of numerous fellowships from 2009–2012, she was awarded the EU Marie Curie research grant (assistant professor level), and since 2014 she has held the title of Italian associate professor. In 2008, she founded Superlandscape, an urban and landscape design firm. She represents TU Delft at UNISCAPE, and she was involved with ECLAS and IFLA Europe to develop the EU Common Training Framework for Landscape Architecture. Laura was recently awarded the prestigious Comenius Fellowship 2023 for teaching innovation.Maria VillalobosMaria Villalobos is an Associate Professor at IIT in Chicago and Director of the Master in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism. She holds a master’s in Design Studies from Harvard GSD and a PhD in Landscape Architecture from the ENSP-Versailles. In 2017, she made history as the first woman to receive the first prize in the Venezuelan Architecture Biennale. Villalobos is an active member of the Lincoln Yards Advisory Council and the Committee on Design for the Department of City Planning in Chicago, a Board Member of Friends of the Park in Chicago, and a Core Member of Dark Matter University. Her expertise and dedication have been recognized with the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture’s 2022 Excellence in Design Studio Teaching Award.
Eisenman, Theodore S.
- You have accessRestricted accessRestorative Cities: Urban Design for Mental Health and WellbeingTheodore S. EisenmanLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 163-168; DOI: S. EisenmanTheodore S. Eisenman is an associate professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning at University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Hawks, Richard S.
- You have accessRestricted accessAmerican Urbanist: How William H. Whyte’s Unconventional Wisdom Reshaped Public LifeRichard S. HawksLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 168-172; DOI: S. HawksRichard S. Hawks, FASLA, FCELA, is a SUNY distinguished service professor emeritus in the Department of Landscape Architecture, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York. He retired in 2017 after 40 years on the faculty and 25 years as the chair of the department. He was the codirector of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Your Town, A Citizen’s Institute for Rural Design, from 1991–2012. Hawks earned a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture, SUNY ESF and Master’s in landscape architecture from the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
Hurst, Kenneth
- Open AccessUniversal Design in Playground EnvironmentsA Place‐Based Evaluation of Amenities, Use, and Physical ActivityKenneth Hurst, Chanam Lee and Forster NdubisiLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 55-80; DOI: HurstKenneth Hurst is an assistant professor of the practice in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M Univeristy. He applies behavior mapping research to evaluate evidence‐based support for the contributions that individual park elements and accessible design make toward levels of use and physical activity in urban park environments. He has spent much of his career in facility planning, park and playground development, promoting play, playground safety, and accessibility. He has spoken at the local, state, national, and international levels and currently serves on the ASLA Children’s Outdoor Environments PPN. He is also active in park and playground development.Chanam LeeChanam Lee is a professor of landscape architecture and urban planning and director of Design Research for Active Living at Texas A&M University. Her research focuses on linking the built environment with public health outcomes. She has (co‐)led 30 projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Science Foundation, and others, totaling ∼$16 million. Dr. Lee is among the most cited landscape architecture scholars, with over 100 peer‐reviewed publications. Her work has been recognized by multiple awards from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, the American Society of Landscape Architects, and the American Planning Association‐International Division, among others.Forster NdubisiForster Ndubisi, professor and former head of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University and senior fellow with the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, has focused in his teaching, research, and practice on ecologically oriented design and planning, community planning and design, growth management, and sustainable regionalism. He has authored three books, including the award‐winning Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Account (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002). He is a past president of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture and former vice president for research and information for the Landscape Architecture Foundation.
Jacques, David
- You have accessRestricted accessActive Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and BehaviourDavid JacquesLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 172-178; DOI: JacquesDavid Jacques is a British landscape historian and theorist as well as the author of Landscape Appreciation: Theories since the Cultural Turn (2019); [email protected].
Lagro, James
- You have accessRestricted accessAbout This IssueJames LaGro Jr.Landscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) v; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessEditor’s LetterJames LaGro Jr.Landscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) iv; DOI:
Lee, Chanam
- Open AccessUniversal Design in Playground EnvironmentsA Place‐Based Evaluation of Amenities, Use, and Physical ActivityKenneth Hurst, Chanam Lee and Forster NdubisiLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 55-80; DOI: HurstKenneth Hurst is an assistant professor of the practice in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M Univeristy. He applies behavior mapping research to evaluate evidence‐based support for the contributions that individual park elements and accessible design make toward levels of use and physical activity in urban park environments. He has spent much of his career in facility planning, park and playground development, promoting play, playground safety, and accessibility. He has spoken at the local, state, national, and international levels and currently serves on the ASLA Children’s Outdoor Environments PPN. He is also active in park and playground development.Chanam LeeChanam Lee is a professor of landscape architecture and urban planning and director of Design Research for Active Living at Texas A&M University. Her research focuses on linking the built environment with public health outcomes. She has (co‐)led 30 projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Science Foundation, and others, totaling ∼$16 million. Dr. Lee is among the most cited landscape architecture scholars, with over 100 peer‐reviewed publications. Her work has been recognized by multiple awards from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, the American Society of Landscape Architects, and the American Planning Association‐International Division, among others.Forster NdubisiForster Ndubisi, professor and former head of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University and senior fellow with the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, has focused in his teaching, research, and practice on ecologically oriented design and planning, community planning and design, growth management, and sustainable regionalism. He has authored three books, including the award‐winning Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Account (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002). He is a past president of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture and former vice president for research and information for the Landscape Architecture Foundation.
Li, Chuo
- You have accessRestricted accessUrban Agriculture and Community ResilienceThe Vietnamese Village in Post‐Katrina New OrleansChuo LiLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 41-54; DOI: LiChuo Li is an associate professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Mississippi State University. She holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign. Her research interests include cultural landscape studies, landscape history, and the built environment’s impact on human health. She has published in peer‐reviewed journals such as the Journal of Urban History, the Journal of Urban Design, Journal of Landscape Architecture, and Landscape Research.
Mendenhall, Allyson
- Open AccessEnabling SynergiesIntegrating Ecology with Landscape Architecture in Design PracticeAllyson MendenhallLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 145-155; DOI: MendenhallAllyson Mendenhall, FASLA, PLA, is director of strategic initiatives of Sasaki’s Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering and Ecology practice. With over two decades of experience leading large‐scale, complex, multidisciplinary design and planning efforts, she leads research and evidence‐based design initiatives and the development of standards and best practices in support of design excellence. Mendenhall is recognized for bridging design practice and academia through research partnerships, publications, and speaking engagements. She holds a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Harvard Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Harvard College.