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- Published online May 14, 2024.
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Author Information
- Ashley Steffens
- Ashley Steffens, FCELA, is the associate dean of academic affairs for the College of Environment and Design at the University of Georgia and Crowley Professor of Urban Planning and Design. Her research focuses on landscape architecture pedagogy, leadership, and professional development. She often serves as a visiting evaluator for programs undergoing (re)accreditation for the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board. Steffens is a CELA fellow and a UGA women's leadership fellow; she has served as a past president of CELA. Professor Steffens holds a BS in Environmental Studies for UNC‐Asheville, and MLA from UGA.
- Ebru Özer
- Ebru Özer, FASLA, has over 25 years of experience in design practice and 15 years in academia. Prior to her academic career, she was a practicing architect in Istanbul, Türkiye. She is an associate professor and chair in the Department of Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design at Florida International University and the principal and co‐founder of the design firm LandscapeDE. She serves as the vice president of education and a member of board of trustees at ASLA. She holds an MLA, a BArch, a Diploma in Physics, and a PhD ABD in civil engineering.
- Charlene LeBleu
- Charlene LeBleu, FCELA, FASLA, AICP, is an alumni professor of landscape architecture at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Her areas of research include coastal planning and design, campus planning and design, and low‐impact development. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and an ASLA fellow. LeBleu is a fellow and past president of the FCELA. She has a BS in forest resources and conservation from the University of Florida and a Master of Landscape Architecture—Master of Community Planning from Auburn University.
- Hala Nassar
- Hala Nassar, PhD, FCELA, is a professor of landscape architecture at Clemson University in South Carolina. She serves as the director of landscape architecture program and graduate programs. Dr. Nassar holds two honorary professorships at Ain Shams University in Egypt and Huazhong Agricultural University in China. She is a CELA fellow. Her research includes historical and cultural landscapes, women in leadership, and international education. Her recent research focuses on robotics and design of the public space. At Clemson, Dr. Nassar leads the World Design Studio (WDS); a collaborative international urban design studio.