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- You have accessRestricted accessLandscape Fascinations and Provocations: Reading Robert B. RileyRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, May 2024, 43 (1) 125-126; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBeyond Greenways: The Next Step for City Trails and Walking RoutesRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, May 2024, 43 (1) 133-134; DOI: C. SmardonRichard C. Smardon is a SUNY distinguished service professor emeritus at SUNY‐College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessArchitecture and the Nazi Cultural Landscape: Blood, Soil, BuildingJeremy FosterLandscape Journal, May 2024, 43 (1) 129-133; DOI: FosterTrained as an architect and landscape architect, Jeremy Foster, a PhD in cultural and historical geography, is interested in the opportunities landscape thinking offers for environmental understanding, interpretation, and design practice. At Cornell from 2003 to 2021, he taught design, theory, and history to students in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and the humanities and social sciences, working in contexts across the globe. Foster’s transdisciplinary research into how built/grown landscapes are produced and reproduced through the entanglement of cultural discourses, representational regimes, environmental processes, and socio‐material practices has appeared in multiple journals and edited volumes.
- You have accessRestricted accessLandscape Design in Color: History, Theory, and Practice 1750 to TodayBeichen YuLandscape Journal, May 2024, 43 (1) 126-129; DOI: YuDr. Beichen Yu is a color researcher and designer specializing in environmental color studies and multidisciplinary color designs. She holds an MA in urban design and a PhD in landscape architecture from the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Yu is currently translating her pioneering PhD research into a forthcoming book from Routledge. With expertise in the social semiotics of color and quantitative analysis of color data, her research explores the changes in color design within global urban spaces over the past 20 years, particularly under the lens of urbanisms of color. Dr. Yu has made significant contributions through conference presentations, journal articles, and books, sparking discussions on saturated colors in contemporary urban environments. She actively engages in the academic community as a member of the AIC Color Group and The Colour Group (UK) and serves as a reviewer for journals such as Color Research & Application and for Routledge publications.
- You have accessRestricted accessRoutledge Handbook of Urban Landscape ResearchRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 175-180; DOI: C. SmardonRichard C. Smardon is a SUNY distinguished service professor emeritus at SUNY‐College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessActive Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and BehaviourDavid JacquesLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 172-178; DOI: JacquesDavid Jacques is a British landscape historian and theorist as well as the author of Landscape Appreciation: Theories since the Cultural Turn (2019); [email protected].
- You have accessRestricted accessGarden as Art: Beatrix Farrand at Dumbarton Oaks / Beatrix Farrand’s Plant Book for Dumbarton Oaks: Revised EditionS. Scott ShannonLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 163-165; DOI: Scott ShannonS. Scott Shannon is an associate professor of landscape architecture at SUNY‐College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessMotor City Green: A Century of Landscapes and Environmentalism in DetroitMara MillerLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 170-175; DOI: MillerMara Miller, author of The Garden as an Art (SUNY Press) and many articles and reviews on gardens, landscape, and environmental and landscape aesthetics and ethics, has taught “Gardens, Landscape and Sacred Space” and “Gardens, Landscape and Sacred Space in East Asia” at Emory University and elsewhere. She is currently finishing The Philosopher’s Garden, The Sky in the Garden, and articles and a webinar on the concept of wisdom in trees.
- You have accessRestricted accessBlue Architecture: Water, Design, and Environmental FuturesRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 165-170; DOI: C. SmardonRichard C. Smardon is a SUNY distinguished service professor emeritus at SUNY‐College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessAmerican Urbanist: How William H. Whyte’s Unconventional Wisdom Reshaped Public LifeRichard S. HawksLandscape Journal, November 2023, 42 (2) 168-172; DOI: S. HawksRichard S. Hawks, FASLA, FCELA, is a SUNY distinguished service professor emeritus in the Department of Landscape Architecture, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York. He retired in 2017 after 40 years on the faculty and 25 years as the chair of the department. He was the codirector of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Your Town, A Citizen’s Institute for Rural Design, from 1991–2012. Hawks earned a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture, SUNY ESF and Master’s in landscape architecture from the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.