More articles from Reviews: Books
- You have accessRestricted accessPhotographs from the Yildiz Palace Albums Souvenir of Istanbul by Nurhan Atasoy. 2007. Istanbul: Akkök Publications. 30 pages, 279 full-page photographs, 13 double-page panoramas, list of photographers, bibliography, index. No listed price. ISBN 978-975-01105-1-1Reviewed by Michel ConanLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 318-319; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessIntroduction to Watershed Development: Understanding and Managing the Impacts of Sprawl by Robert L. France. 2006. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 256 pages, bibliographical references, index, $80.00 cloth, $32.95 paper. ISBN 0-74254-208-4, cloth ISBN 0-74254-209-2, paperReviewed by Caitlin DyckmanLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 319-321; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessLandscapes In India: Forms And Meanings by Amita Sinha. 2005. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado. 232 pages, 77 color and 18 b / w photographs; 18 b/w illustrations and 19 maps, $55.00 cloth. ISBN 978-0-87081-815-8Reviewed by Manish ChalanaLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 321-322; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDesigning Small Parks: A Manual for Addressing Social and Ecological Concerns by Ann Forsyth and Laura Musacchio with Frank Fitzgerald. 2005. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 205 pages, b/w illustrations, $45 cloth. ISBN 0471736805Reviewed by Michael RiosLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 322-324; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMichael Van Valkenburgh Associates: Allegheny Riverfront ParkSource Books in Landscape Architecture 1 by Jane Amidon, Series Editor. 2005. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. 160 pages, color and b/w photographs, plans, details, axonometric drawings, color renderings, $29.95. ISBN 1-56898-504-5Frances G. Beatty Reviewed byLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 324-326; DOI: G. Beatty Reviewed by
- You have accessRestricted accessCairo: Revitalising A Historic Metropolis edited by Stefano Bianca and Philip Jodidio. 2004. Paris: Um-berto Allemandi & Co. for the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 253 pages, 42 color photographs, 18 color renderings and plans, b/w photographs, and index, $56.38 cloth. ISBN 8842-212350Reviewed by Hala F. Nassar and Avril FabianLandscape Journal, September 2007, 26 (2) 326-327; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessSite Matters: Design Concepts, Histories, and Strategies edited by Carol J. Burns and Andrea Kahn, 2005. Routledge, 376 pages. 25 line figures, 36 halftones, 16 color photographs, $125.00 cloth, $29.95 paper. ISBN 9780415949750 cloth ISBN 9780415949767 paperCharles WaldheimLandscape Journal, March 2007, 26 (1) 168-169; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessDown the Garden Path: The Artist’s Garden After Modernism edited by Valerie Smith, Queens, NY: Queens Museum of Art , 2005. 176 pages, color illustrations throughout, $35 paper. ISBN 1-929641-06-0Marc TreibLandscape Journal, March 2007, 26 (1) 169-172; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessContemporary Landscapes of Contemplation edited by Rebecca Krinke. 2005. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 224 pages, 63 b/w, 21 color illustrations, $125.00 cloth, 48.95 paper. ISBN 041570068XDorothée ImbertLandscape Journal, March 2007, 26 (1) 172-174; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessVillage Homes: A Community By Design by Mark Francis. 2003. Case Studies in Land and Community Design. Washington DC: Island Press (Landscape Architecture Foundation). 92 pages, color illustrations and photographs, $25.00 paper. ISBN: 1-55963-111-2Robert R. Hewitt and Sara HekmatfarLandscape Journal, September 2006, 25 (2) 258-259; DOI: