- James LaGro Jr., University of Wisconsin–Madison
Consulting Editors
- Arnold Alanen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- M. Elen Deming, North Carolina State University
- Kenneth I. Helphand, University of Oregon
- Charlene M. LeBleu, Auburn University
- Daniel J. Nadenicek, University of Georgia
- Lance Neckar, Claremont, California
- James F. Palmer, Burlington, Vermont
- David G. Pitt, University of Minnesota
Book Review Editor
- Richard C. Smardon, The State University of New York
Conference Review Editor
- Alan Tate, University of Manitoba
Editorial Office
- James LaGro Jr., University of Wisconsin–Madison
Editorial Board
- M. Elen Deming, North Carolina State University
- Douglas Johnston, SUNY–ESF, Syracuse
- Timothy Keane, Kansas State University
- Eckart Lange, The University of Sheffield
- Robert Melnick, University of Oregon
- Joan Nassauer, University of Michigan
- Brian Orland, University of Georgia
- Stephen Sheppard, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Anne Spirn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Frederick Steiner, University of Pennsylvania
- Simon Swaffield, Lincoln University, New Zealand
- C. Dana Tomlin, University of Pennsylvania
- Marc Treib, University of California, Berkeley
Ex officio
- Chingwen Cheng, President, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
- SunLin Kotowicz, FASLA, PLA, President, American Society of Landscape Architects
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