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- You have accessRestricted accessAccidental Wilderness: The Origins and Ecology of Toronto’s Tommy Thompson ParkRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 68-69; DOI: C. SmardonRichard C. Smardon is SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessConflict Landscapes: An Archaeology of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil WarAntonino CrisàLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 69-71; DOI: CrisàAntonino “Nino” Crisa is an archaeologist, historian, and numismatist, currently Marie Curie Skłodowska Research Fellow at Ghent University (Belgium). He is mainly interested in Italian archaeology, cultural heritage studies, numismatics, history of collecting, and coin circulation. He previously worked as a research fellow at the University of Warwick, exploring token production in ancient Sicily (2016–19). Crisà has been trained at the University of Milan (BA 2004, MA 2007) and Leicester (2012–16) where he earned his PhD archaeology and worked as a classics teaching assistant. As a field archaeologist, he has excavated in Sicily, Sardinia, northern Italy, and Syria (Palmyra).
- You have accessRestricted accessEditor’s IntroductionKatherine MelcherLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) iv; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Invention of Public Space: Designing for Inclusion in Lindsay’s New YorkRichard S. HawksLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 71-72; DOI: S. HawksRichard S. Hawks, FASLA, FCELA, is SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the Department of Landscape Architecture, State University of New York, Syracuse. Hawks retired in 2017 after 40 years on the faculty and 25 years as the chair of the department. He was the codirector of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Your Town, A Citizen’s Institute for Rural Design from 1991 to 2012. His current research addresses New York City’s response to climate change. Hawks earned a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from SUNY ESF and master’s in landscape architecture from the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
- You have accessRestricted accessParks and Recreation System Planning: A New Approach for Creating Sustainable, Resilient CommunitiesDiane KuehnLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 67-68; DOI: KuehnDiane Kuehn is Associate Professor of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessNew Urbanism and the Hazard Transect Overlay District: Improving the Integration of Disaster Resilience and Design in Coastal AreasGavin Smith, Allison Anderson and David PerkesLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 35-47; DOI: SmithGavin Smith is Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at North Carolina State University. His research focuses on hazard mitigation, disaster recovery, and climate change adaptation and the integration of research and practice through deep community engagement. He has written the text Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: A Review of the United States Disaster Assistance Framework () and served as the coeditor of Adapting to Climate Chance: Lessons from Natural Hazards Planning () as well as writing numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and practice-oriented reports.Allison AndersonAllison Anderson is an architect who leads the firm unabridged Architecture, which has established a practice dedicated to civic and sustainable design within fragile coastal environments. Allison earned a master’s of architecture degree from the University of Texas, where she was awarded the President’s Fellowship, and a bachelor’s of architecture degree from the University of Southern California. She has been a licensed architect since 1991. Allison has taught architecture at the University of Texas and Louisiana State University and was the Favrot Visiting Chair in Architecture at Tulane University.David PerkesDavid Perkes is an architect and Professor at Mississippi State University. He is the founding director of the Gulf Coast Community Design Studio, a professional outreach program of the College of Architecture, Art & Design that was established after Hurricane Katrina to provide planning and architectural design support to help rebuild the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
- You have accessRestricted accessHomelessness in the Public Landscape: A Typology of Informal InfrastructureCory ParkerLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 49-66; DOI: ParkerCory Parker researches homeless communities of West Coast cities while instructing students in landscape architecture at the University of California, Davis. He is a 2019–2020 Faculty Fellow of Design for Spatial Justice at the University of Oregon. He completed a PhD in Geography at UC Davis with a dissertation on homeless mobility. Prior to that, he practiced landscape architecture in Seattle for 18 years.
- You have accessRestricted accessAbout This IssueKatherine MelcherLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) v-vi; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted access“Separate but Equal?” Understanding Gender Differences in Urban Park Usage and Its Implications for Gender-Inclusive DesignYiwei Huang and N. Claire NapawanLandscape Journal, January 2021, 40 (1) 1-16; DOI: HuangYiwei Huang is Assistant Professor of landscape architecture at Purdue University. Her research focuses on participatory design and planning methods, therapeutic and edible landscape in cities, and the health and everyday geography of traditionally marginalized urban communities.N. Claire NapawanN. Claire Napawan is Associate Professor of landscape architecture and environmental design in the Department of Human Ecology at the University of California, Davis. Her research uses co-design methodologies to increase community’s resilience for underrepresented populations.
- You have accessRestricted accessRecent Trends in LA-Based Research: A Topic Analysis of CELA Abstract ContentGalen Newman, Dongying Li, Zhihan Tao and Rui ZhuLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (2) 51-73; DOI: NewmanGalen Newman is Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. He also serves as Coordinator of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Program and he is Associate Department Head. His research interests include urban regeneration, community resilience, landscape performance, land use science, and spatial analytics.Dongying LiDongying Li is Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include health systems design, ecosystem services, active living, and data modeling.Zhihan TaoZhihan Tao is a PhD student in the Urban and Regional Science Program at Texas A&M University. His research interests include spatial analysis, low-impact development, landscape performance, and unmanned aerial vehicles.Rui ZhuRui Zhu is a PhD student in the Urban and Regional Science Program at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include design for health, spatial analytics, landscape performance, and advanced digital representation.