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- You have accessRestricted accessPlanting Design: Connecting People and PlaceEmily McCoyLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 99-100; DOI: McCoyPLA, ASLA, SITES AP, is Associate Professor of Practice at NC State University and the Office Director of Design Workshop’s Raleigh studio.
- You have accessRestricted accessParadoxes of Green: Landscapes of a City-StateRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 101; DOI: C. SmardonSUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at SUNY–College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
- You have accessRestricted accessA Pattern Language for Solar PhotovoltaicsKirk DimondLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 21-37; DOI: DimondLEED AP, is Assistant Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning at the University of Arizona, where he teaches graduate-level design studios and site engineering and construction. His research involves landscape performance by evaluating social and ecological synergies and trade-offs in design decisions relating to ecology, energy, and water. Kirk is currently focusing on integrating solar photovoltaics into the built environment through exploration of land use colocation, such as agrivoltaics and other strategies.
- You have accessRestricted accessAnswering the Supply–Demand Gap with Alternative Water Sources: Retrofitting Cities to Achieve Net Zero Urban WaterCourtney CrossonLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 1-20; DOI: CrossonLicensed architect and assistant professor at the University of Arizona. She has worked for Foster + Partners, UN Habitat, and BuroHappold Engineering. Her current research advances decentralized water systems to address pressing problems facing cities—whether water scarcity in the US Southwest or safe and affordable water access in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. She has received multiple national awards for her community outreach and design work focused on retrofitting cities for a changing climate.
- You have accessRestricted accessDesign with Nature NowAlan TateLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 87-89; DOI: TateProfessor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Manitoba and Conference Review Editor for Landscape Journal
- You have accessRestricted access100 Years of CELA: Past, Present, and Future The 2020 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture ConferenceTaner R. Ozdil, Dongying Li and Galen NewmanLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 91-93; DOI: R. OzdilAssociate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Texas, ArlingtonDongying LiAssistant Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M UniversityGalen NewmanAssociate Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University
- You have accessRestricted accessLandscapes and Archives: Notes on a MethodJohn Dean DavisLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 71-85; DOI: Dean DavisEnvironmental and engineering historian and assistant professor at Ohio State University, where he teaches landscape history. He is currently working on a book about engineering and landscape in the Reconstruction era following the US Civil War.
- You have accessRestricted accessGeostories: Another Architecture for the EnvironmentSohyun ParkLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 97-99; DOI: ParkPhD SITES AP, is Assistant Professor of the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at University of Connecticut. She teaches community planning, planting design, and environmental planning and landscape design.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Shape of the Land: Aesthetics and UtilityElizabeth BoultsLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 89-91; DOI: BoultsLecturer in Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design at the University of California, Davis
- You have accessRestricted accessVisible Space: A Visual Analysis in the Landscape Planning and DesigningRichard C. SmardonLandscape Journal, January 2021, 39 (1) 95-96; DOI: C. SmardonSUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at SUNY–College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He holds a PhD in environmental planning from the University of California, Berkeley, a master’s in landscape architecture, and bachelor’sin environmental design from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has edited/written seven books, including The Renewable Energy Landscape (2017, Routledge) and Revitalizing Urban Waterway Communities: Streams of Environmental Justice (2018, Earthscan/Routledge). He is an associate book editor for the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.