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- You have accessRestricted accessSILVER CITIES: THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN URBANIZATIONBonnie LoydLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 65-66; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCAMPUS: AN AMERICAN PLANNING TRADITIONPaul Venable TurnerLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 66-67; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessALMA MATER: DESIGN AND EXPERIENCE IN THE WOMEN'S COLLEGES FROM THEIR NINETEENTH-CENTURY BEGINNINGS TO THE 1930sDiana BalmoriLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 67-68; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessTHE FEDERAL LANDS REVISITED and RETHINKING THE FEDERAL LANDSRaymond L. FreemanLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 68-70; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAgricultural Education and Landscape ArchitectureFrederick R. Steiner and Kenneth R. BrooksLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 19-32; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessTHE COLOSSUS OF ROADS: MYTH AND SYMBOL ALONG THE AMERICAN HIGHWAYDavid GebhardLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 70-71; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessLandscape FilmsKenneth I. HelphandLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 1-8; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessWAYFINDING IN ARCHITECTUREFahriye Hazer SancarLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 71-73; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Economic Valuation of South Dakota Wetlands as a Recreation Resource for Resident HuntersCraig W. Johnson and Raymond L. LinderLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 33-38; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessRating Winter Crown Density of Deciduous Trees: A Photographic ProcedureJ. Alan Wagar and Gordon M. HeislerLandscape Journal, March 1986, 5 (1) 9-18; DOI: