PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Johnson, Julie M. AU - Hurley, Jan TI - A Future Ecology of Urban Parks: Reconnecting Nature and Community in the Landscape of Children AID - 10.3368/lj.21.1.110 DP - 2002 Mar 20 TA - Landscape Journal PG - 110--115 VI - 21 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - AB - As urbanization fragments local ecological and social networks, parks play an increasingly important role in re-connecting children with nature and their community. This paper examines changes in both place and time that have impoverished children’s outdoor experiences and notes the significance of these changes. A redefinition of urban parks to enrich childhood experiences is proposed, noting models that offer daily accessibility and identifying key qualities. Innovations in policy, process, and partnerships are presented as essential steps in realizing and sustaining parks that foster a reconnection of children with their landscape’s nature and community.