PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Echols, Stuart AU - Pennypacker, Eliza TI - From Stormwater Management to Artful Rainwater Design AID - 10.3368/lj.27.2.268 DP - 2008 Sep 21 TA - Landscape Journal PG - 268--290 VI - 27 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - AB - New stormwater management techniques can use rainwater to create amenities that enhance a site’s attractiveness or value. This concept—“artful rainwater design”—both addresses stormwater management in environmentally responsible ways and creates expressive landscapes that celebrate stormwater. Through an analysis of 20 exemplary designs, the goals and objectives of stormwater management as a site amenity, as well as specific design techniques for its accomplishment, are explained. Five amenity goals drawn from the case studies—education, recreation, safety, public relations, and aesthetic richness—are identified, categorized, and described. The paper concludes by discussing the future of artful rainwater design.