RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Landscape Feature Classification as a Determinant of Perceived Scenic Value JF Landscape Journal FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 36 OP 50 DO 10.3368/lj.8.1.36 VO 8 IS 1 A1 Amedeo, Douglas A1 Pitt, David G. A1 Zube, Ervin H. YR 1989 UL http://lj.uwpress.org/content/8/1/36.abstract AB This paper reports on continuing research in the perception of scenic value. It builds upon and extends a series of studies that have used the Southern Connecticut River Valley in the northeastern United States as the study area. The specific focus of this paper is an investigation of landscape classification, expressed in terms of perceived scenic value assessments using factor analysis of Q-sort data obtained from 407 subjects and 56 landscape photographs. Ten landscape patterns are identified and described. Conceptual and applied implications of the perceptual classification are discussed.