Table A.1.

Analysis of Users Across the Three Parks using ANOVA

Mean Users per Observation Period:
nCase (SD)Comp I (SD)Comp II (SD)F (2 d.f.)p
Weekday*5018.6 (15.3)10.7 (9.1)9.1 (6.7)10.740.001
Weekend day*2022.0 (19.6)15.8 (13.3)9.9 (8.7)3.430.039
7:30 am Observation*140.5 (0.7)0.3 (0.7)0.8 (0.9)1.580.220
9:30 am Observation*1422.8 (19.9)13.5 (6.4)7.6 (5.2)5.310.009
12:30 pm Observation*1426.8 (16.4)16.6 (11.6)9.8 (4.4)7.270.002
3:30 pm Observation*1430.6 (12.7)21.2 (11.2)18.4(6.0)5.250.010
6:30 pm Observation*1417.3 (6.1)9.0 (4.9)10.1(5.2)9.550.001
Clear**9121.6 (16.5)14.3 (10.7)10.4 (8.1)6.480.002
Partly Cloudy**2718.8 (9.4)10.0 (7.3)8.0 (5.7)5.070.015
Cloudy**8918.3 (18.8)11.0 (11.4)8.5 (6.8)4.360.016
Misting Rain**36.0 (0.0)1.5 (0.0)12.5 (0.0)
Temperature <60°F**1611.8 (13.2)9.3 (12.9)1.3 (1.5)1.350.293
Temp. > = 60°F, <70°F**4411.1 (13.3)7.4 (8.4)6.5 (6.7)0.890.412
Temp. > = 70°F, <80°F**10120.3 (17.2)13.6 (11.1)10.5 (7.2)5.210.007
Temp. > = 80°F**4927.4 (14.5)14.8 (10.3)11.8 (6.9)9.570.001
  • * Use in Playground Zones (TA 5–8) only, n = 70.

  • ** Use in Playground Zones (TA 5–8) only, n = 210.